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Scrapbook Blog

Scrapbooking Mother's Day | Lauren Hender

Scrapbooking Mother's Day | Lauren Hender

27 May 2020 0 Comments

Hello everyone, 

Welcome back to the Pink Fresh Studio blog. Today I am sharing with you how I documented my 2020 Mothers Day photos through the combination of a mixed media layout and a pocket style page. 

I decided that my Project Life album this year would a mix of layouts and pocket style scrapbooking. As the year started I still was not sure how this would all come together but now five months in I have absolutely fallen in love with having an album that is a mix of the two. Here why..

Scrapbooking for me is equally about the creative process as it is about documenting life. This way I have managed to tie to two loves together and as you can see even though they are two different styles of scrapbooking with a few simple tips and tricks you can see how they coordinate and look lovely side by side. 

My few simple tips and tricks include:

1.Use the same color palette across both pages. As you can see I have use the new Pink Fresh Studio 'Noteworthy' collection on both layouts and used mostly the blue tones with a splash of yellow, green and purple. 

2. Use similar elements on both pages. In these layouts I have used puffy stickers, ephemera, cardstock stickers and dimensional stickers on both pages. 

3. Try to get your photos to have similar color tones. I was lucky with these photos as they were all taken on the one day, so we were all wearing the same clothes and the photos were taken in the same light, but if you have a mix of photos with lots of competing different colors then perhaps try and print them in black and white and see how they look all together. 

 If you lovely mixed media than the Pink Fresh Studio liquid watercolours are for you. In this layout I have used a mix of the color Sky and Sapphire. The other wonderful thing about the liquid watercolors are that they are ready to go. Check out the liquid watercolors here

 The Noteworthy collection is that perfect mix of his and hers. It is a lovely soft collection best suited for scrapbooking those everyday moments with your family and friends. 

I hope my layouts have inspired you to try and mix a traditional layout and a pocket style scrapbook page together. The modern twist on the double page spread. 

Happy Scrapping

Lauren xx

    Pinkfresh Studio Supplies

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