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Scrapbook Blog

Pocket Pages with Out & About

Pocket Pages with Out & About

07 Jun 2019 0 Comments

I'm so excited to be sharing some new projects with the Out & About collection with you.  As always, I love sharing some ways that you can incorporate these larger collections into your pocket pages.  In this case, I started with the cut apart page and the tag package. 

As I was pulling my supplies together, I looked for papers with similar colors so that I could make a cohesive spread.  I focused on the greens and pinks and the rainbow paper on the left to tie it all together.

For embellishments I used a mix of the small pieces, some cardstock stickers (top row), puffy stickers (middle right & bottom left) and the mixed embellishment pack (middle left).  With a collection as cohesive as this, it was easy to find pieces that worked together.

For my second project, I used different photos from the same night to add to my Summer Bucket List notebook.  I don't like to use the exact same photos in two places, but I did want to make sure the night was recorded in my regular project life as well as my Summer notebook, so this was a good solution.

The bottom right is a combination of small tags from the cut apart page of Out & About, and the epoxy tag at the top is holding this 6x8 page protector folded over into a 3x4 page.

It is easy to open it up and see a full spread across the two sides.

A few more photos on the inside to round out the story, and the journaling card with some little notes from the night.  Again, this was a good way to focus on only a few colors in the collection and get an entirely different look (the yellow with the light blue is my favourite combination!)

I hope I was able to give you some inspiration with this amazing collection!

    Pinkfresh Studio Supplies

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