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Scrapbook Blog

One Cut File Two Layouts | Lauren Hender

One Cut File Two Layouts | Lauren Hender

23 Apr 2020 0 Comments

Big hello! Welcome back to the Pink Fresh Studio Blog. Today I wanted to share with you how I used one absolutely stunning cut file to create two layouts that are to be featured together. Now you are probably thinking 'what is she talking about?' so here is how it happened.


I was challenged by the team to create a couple of layouts using the Pink Fresh Studio cut files. I spotted the floral wreath and knew that I wanted to create a layout with it and feature six photos I had of my daughter and I having a fun time with snap chat. I sat the six photos out and soon realised that I was not going to be able to fit all six photos on the one layout and decided to create two and split the floral wreath cut file. 

Creating these layouts was a whole lot of fun as I soon realised that each layout on it's own will work but when they are placed side by side they transform. These layouts are 9x12 inch and sit side by side in my 2020 family album. 

 If you have been following me you will know that 99% of my layouts feature some form of mixed media. These layouts are no exception and with the beautiful set of Pink Fresh Studio liquid watercolors I knew that I would be able to bring this floral wreath to life.

 Can you see what Pink Fresh Studio collections I have used to create these layouts? Yes, it's all three new collections. My Favourite Story, with a dash of Noteworthy and a title of Super Cool. I just love all these collections and whether combined or used separately they create stunning layouts. 

I hope my layouts have inspired you to pull out the watercolors, download the floral wreath cut file and create a double page mixed media layout. 

Happy Scrapping 

Lauren xx

    Pinkfresh Studio Supplies

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