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Fussy Cutting with Indigo Hills 2 | Kathleen Graumüller

Fussy Cutting with Indigo Hills 2 | Kathleen Graumüller

25 Oct 2018 0 Comments

Hey friends, it's Kathleen back with you today and I'm really excited to finally share some layouts made with the gorgeous Indigo Hills 2 collection!

If you have seen the papers, you will have noticed that they contain quite a lot of elements that are perfect for fussy cutting and thereby creating your own embellishments. I think almost everyone who owns the Meadow paper has used it to create a wreath layout, but the Glen and Ridge paper, for instance, have some really beautiful elements on them as well that you can cut out and use on your pages!

For my first layout I used the flowers from the A-Side of the Glen paper and some of the leaves on the Meadow paper to create some clusters around that beautiful wreath from the chipboard stickers, which I used to frame my photo.

Dream by ScatteredConfetti. // #scrapbooking #pinkfreshstudio #indigohillsDream by ScatteredConfetti. // #scrapbooking #pinkfreshstudio #indigohills

For my background I used the absolutely gorgeous purple-blue ombré B-Side of the Eminence paper. I normally struggle a bit with using patterned papers for my background (although I am getting better with this), but the Eminence paper made it so easy!

All I then needed to do, was arrange the flowers and leaves I had cut from the other papers around the chipboard wreath, scatter some enamel dots around, tuck in a few phrase stickers and lastly, add my journaling. For my title I decided to use the "dream" cloud from the ephemera pack, since I didn't want to add a really big title to this page.

Dream by ScatteredConfetti. // #scrapbooking #pinkfreshstudio #indigohills

For my next layout I did use a sheet of white cardstock for the base, since I wanted to add the hexagons I had cut from the Ridge paper to it and I think the white makes them really pop off the page. I also cut out one of the big flowers from the same paper, and I had another one left from the Glen paper, so I decided to add them to my page, too.

Daring Adventures by ScatteredConfetti. // #scrapbooking #pinkfreshstudio #indigohillsDaring Adventures by ScatteredConfetti. // #scrapbooking #pinkfreshstudio #indigohills

To mix things up a little bit, I also added the hexagons that were included in the ephemera pack, as well as two of the gold foiled wood stickers. I think mixing different textures on a layout adds so much interest to it, and it is super easy!

For my title, again, I used one of the pieces from the ephemera pack, and I also added a few more floral shapes from there. For the enamel dots on this layout I used a mix of the Indigo Hills 2 ones, and for the peachy ones I used the A Case of the Blahs set.

Daring Adventures by ScatteredConfetti. // #scrapbooking #pinkfreshstudio #indigohillsDaring Adventures by ScatteredConfetti. // #scrapbooking #pinkfreshstudio #indigohills

I finished this page off by adding some of the phrase stickers that matched the theme of this layout, and of course my journaling (yay for me for finally being brave enough to add handwritten journaling directly to my layouts!!). This page is a reminder to myself to be adventurous, take risks, and also to believe in myself.

So, I hope these layouts inspire you in some way and make you get out your scissors and Indigo Hills 2 papers and start the fussy cutting ;)

Thanks a lot for stopping by!


    Pinkfresh Studio Supplies

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