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Scrapbook Blog

Happy Holidays Collection Reveal

Happy Holidays Collection Reveal

22 Jul 2022 153 Comments

We are so excited to introduce our newest holiday collection today! Designed by Cassidy Demkov, it has everything you need to document all your happiest holiday memories. Featuring a distinctly unique Pinkfresh color palette that mixes traditional colors with non-traditional colors in beautiful tones that work with all the whimsical winter florals and iconic holiday images. We think you are going to fall just in love with this collection as we have! 

Happy Holidays will look beautiful on all your holiday paper crafting projects, including layout designs, mini albums, pocket pages, notebook spreads & more!

Check out the collection in full!

























The Happy Holidays collection will be available for purchase in our online shop in late August! We will also celebrate this brand new collection with a blog hop and Instagram hop closer to that time. Be sure to mark your calendars for tons of inspiration and PRIZES!


Here is YOUR chance to win the complete Happy Holidays collection! What Holiday memories make you Happy? Let us know in the comments below and you will be entered for your chance to win it in full!

We will post the winners on Wednesday, August 3rd to our GIVEAWAY PAGE. Be sure to check that page to see if you are the winner, and follow the instructions to claim your prize. Prizes must be claimed within two weeks.

We hope that you love this new collection as much as we do! 

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22 Jul 2022 Mary Butler

Love your collection especially the cardstock stickers and ephemera.

22 Jul 2022 Michele F

I LOVE that you often include pink in your holiday collections, PF!
SO beautiful!

22 Jul 2022 Helen Whaley

Happy holiday memories always mean time spent celebrating with family. And taking a million fun photos to go in the special Christmas album.

22 Jul 2022 Cathy jo Corso-Plank

My favorite Xmas tradition:
When we were young we’d hang our stockings Xmas eve and when we woke Xmas morning there were DIFFERENT stocking up that were filled!
My Mom always told us that these were Santa’s “special” stockings that he put up for Xmas!
We found out when we were older that my parents switched the stockings because there was 4 of us and they didn’t want to sit up Xmas eve and have to fill them all, so they pre-filled “Santa’s” stockings to put out.
I carried the tradition over – because I also had 4 kids, AND ended up a single Mom. I’d put up “fancy” stockings as Santa’s Xmas day stockings…my kids enjoyed it, too!

22 Jul 2022 Donna Phelan

Beautiful prints, patterns and colors! Very Festive! My favorite Christmas memories are quite frankly all of them! My birthday is actually on Christmas, so I love the Holiday! And ever since we had our granddaughter I love it all the more! SO MUCH FUN!

22 Jul 2022 EVA BUSSOM

I am loving everything about this collection, my favorite is that 6×6 and all of the ephemera!

22 Jul 2022 Rosalie D B

What a great collection! One of my favorite holiday things to do is to sit in the dark with just the Christmas tree lights on! I love watching them twinkle! Very peaceful.

22 Jul 2022 Greta H

I’d love to have this beautiful collection! Some of my favorite holiday memories are going caroling with the church youth group. We sang outside houses & at the local nursing homes.

22 Jul 2022 Valeria Amador

The Holiday memory that makes me happy is when all my grandparents where alive and the whole family would reunite at their house. There were kids running all around, christmas music, dancing and lots of Puerto Rican Christmas food.

That Collection looks amazing, love the color combinations.

22 Jul 2022 Megan

Some of my happiest memories are making gingerbread houses as ‘adult kids’ and going skating.

22 Jul 2022 Mary Livermont

I love looking at all the Christmas lights on peoples homes during the holidays!

22 Jul 2022 Kathy Willits

Another fabulous collection!
One of my favorite Christmas memories is of lying directly under the tree, looking at all the twinkle lights up above me.

22 Jul 2022 Kimberly Asman

OH WHAT a wonderful, festive collection! Love, love, love the color combinations! And all the extras are fantastic! Christmas collections are my favorite! Very creative and beautiful.

22 Jul 2022 Angela W

What a fun line! Love the candy canes!!

My fav holiday memories include snuggling on the couch with family watching movies & gathered around a card table putting puzzles together.

22 Jul 2022 Jeri Lipuma

Beautiful collection, fun patterns and colors.
My favorite memories are spending time with family on Christmas Eve .

22 Jul 2022 Denise

My fave holiday memories are visiting all my relatives because it was not often we got to see them and I also loved getting in the car with my 5 siblings to admire the Christmas lights and displays.

22 Jul 2022 Jeri

Beautiful collection, fun patterns and colors.
My favorite memories are spending time with family on Christmas Eve .

22 Jul 2022 Kelly Massman

Some if my favorite memories of Christmas are just sitting around laughing with family while playing games or telling stories.

22 Jul 2022 Suzanna Lee

Happy memories that make me happy; going to see the lights at the botanical gardens. Any Christmas/twinkle lights! LOVE this collection. Every year I get every piece of every Christmas collection you release, they are just THAT good!

22 Jul 2022 Jeri

Beautiful collection, fun patterns and colors.
My favorite memories are spending time with family on Christmas Eve .

22 Jul 2022 Jeri

Beautiful collection, fun patterns and colors.
My favorite memories are spending time with family on Christmas Eve .

22 Jul 2022 Amy Crane

What a beautiful collection!

My favorite memories are our marathon sessions of opening presents. We take a ridiculously long time and have so much fun.

22 Jul 2022 CarolAnn

My favorite holiday memory is waking up as a child and seeing the excitement in my fathers eyes. His utter happiness for surprising his children (and many years later grandchildren) items from their wishlist will always be etched in my heart and mind.

22 Jul 2022 Angela Speir

Some of my favorite holiday memories are decorating cookies with my grandchildren – the looks on their faces when they create the perfect (to them anyway) gingerbread cookie and they joy they take in taking the first bite! This collection is so lovely and the colors are spot on! Thank you for the chance to win.

22 Jul 2022 Denise Bryant

Fabulous holiday collection! I look forward to creating some Christmas cards and tags, and these designs really inspire me!
I have fond memories of spending Christmas with my family at my grandparent’s house in Santa Barbara! They lived in a beautiful old Victorian home. We even had a special visit from Santa one year!

22 Jul 2022 Heather

Wow! This is just beautiful. I’m looking forward to all of the amazing inspiration using this collection.

22 Jul 2022 Kinjal Kamdar

Beautiful collection by Pinkfresh studio as always- my favourite holiday memory is the fact that the whole family eats together and celebrates together. Being a Hindu my favourite festival is Deepavali the Festival of Lights and Holi the festival of colours and brings my whole family including the extended family together to celebrate the festival and spending time with family is the best! Can never get over it

22 Jul 2022 Francine Brown

One of my favorite Christmas memories is receiving a pretend medical kit as a wee little child. I remember giving my dad a check up and giving him a “pill” (candy). Lol

Lovely collection. I like the untraditional twist on the color scheme.

22 Jul 2022 Maree

Love seeing my kids ( and husband) surprised by their gifts. And a traditional kiwi lunch is my favorite part! Beautiful collection. Love the blues and yellows!

22 Jul 2022 Judy Kay Stiles

What a beautiful collection! I really love the color palette … I would never think of pink as a Christmas color, but it is a stunning addition! The best part of Christmas for me is to spend it with my children and grandchildren. We love playing games together!

22 Jul 2022 Marsha Montgomery

Love all things xmas

22 Jul 2022 KAT

I love how the stickers, frames, and ephemera go with the paper. I no longer scrapbook, but can visualize many cards made with these coordinating products. The ideas are flowing…..

22 Jul 2022 Veronica L Hunt

What a wonderful kit. Great colors. And the elements are really fun and useful.

22 Jul 2022 Lynn K

Beautiful colors! Being brought up in Quebec City, playing in the snow with my new snowsuit and midnight mass are my fondest memories.

22 Jul 2022 Eva Walker

Making gingerbread houses over the years with nephews, niece, grands. Now with great grands. We each get our own house and make a huge mess with lots of silliness. Good memories.

22 Jul 2022 Susan Fenn

My favorite holiday memory was and still is the magic of Christmas Eve. Looking into my parents faces when I was little and they always made the day so special. And then with my own family, bringing that same magic to them. Christmas is magical.

22 Jul 2022 Jeri

Beautiful collection, fun patterns and colors.
My favorite memories are spending time with family on Christmas Eve .

22 Jul 2022 Aleks L

Love this collection! It would pair so well with my Christmas photos. My favorite holiday memories are going into the mountains to pick a tree!

22 Jul 2022 Cheryl Wells

Beautiful Christmas collection, and I love all the additional embellishments for the collection.

22 Jul 2022 Becky Powell Reames

Gorgeous collection! Love the framed papers and omg that red alpha…swoon! My favorite holiday memories are Christmas mornings with my kids. We always do stockings first, followed by our traditional Christmas morning breakfast then we open presents. It’s not rushed, it’s just quiet, loving time together. Thank you for doing this giveaway!

22 Jul 2022 Anne

Very nice new stuff to play with. My Holiday memories that make me happy are snow, seeing the many lighting displays, and lots of laughter. Thank you for a chance to win.

22 Jul 2022 Heejung

The collection is really beautiful. I love to try all of them!!

22 Jul 2022 Sarah Jimenez

Looks like a bright, fun collection with a twist of holiday. Very nice! 😍

22 Jul 2022 Jenny sparks

My favorite holiday memories are when my kids were little and everything about Christmas was so exciting and magical.

22 Jul 2022 Susy

Beautiful collection. I love the mix of traditional red and green but brings in a fresh pop of yellows blues and pink. Simply Stunning. My favorite holiday traditions is seeing the magic through my daughter’s eyes.

22 Jul 2022 Cynthia Ann Hugger

Love the unique color combinations. This would be soooo fun to play with.

22 Jul 2022 Sue TH

Gorgeous collection! This would be perfect for documenting our daily Christmas activities!

22 Jul 2022 Gale white

Wow, such a fantastic collection. Love everything from the paper to the embellishments.

22 Jul 2022 Autumn B.

YES! This is the collection I’ve been saving for and it’s divine! The holiday memory that makes me happy is me and my mom making handmade Christmas cards together as we sip on hot chocolate and watch a movie in the background and catch up on everything.

22 Jul 2022 Gale white

Wow, such a fantastic collection. Love everything from the paper to the embellishments.

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